What is CompanyWall Business?

CompanyWall doo is a renowned credit rating agency founded in 2007 with the purpose of helping legal entities improve their business by identifying and connecting with new clients.

We also look into company needs and check liquidity, we help companies increase their productivity, and we perform financial data analysis and scrutinize many other economic factors. Our long-standing experience is being enriched on a daily basis through successful operation on six different markets in Europe.

CompanyWall business mapa poslovanja

What CompanyWall do

We are aware of the great importance and invaluable value of verified information with which business entities are informed about current local and global events and trends in modern business. After many years of experience, we know exactly what a modern company that wants to provide transparent and secure business needs.

CompanyWall is a pioneer of networking and establishing business connections between domestic and foreign companies.

CompanyWall – Financial Assistant

We are aware that an increase in transparency boosts the economy in the country and in the whole region by making business safer i.e. by minimizing risks. Reliable information is one of the key factors in today’s successful business. That is why we made it our mission to make it accessible to as many clients as possible.

We value dearly the experience and the suggestions coming from our clients. That is why we in the CompanyWall believe in the future we will share with you, the future where we will grow together and develop alongside the CompanyWall Business financial assistant, confirming our role in improving business and investment strategies on the domestic market.

Our task is to help you to make the right decision with accurate and verified information on the reliability of future collaboration. 
CompanyWall Business Financial Assistant Graph

Certificate of Creditworthiness

Certificate of Creditworthiness Excellence CompanyWall is the official certificate of our credit rating agency awarded to companies which meet strict economic and financial criteria.

Only on the basis of the credit rating , which is obtained by a special methodology and analysis of the financial report and many other factors, you can get a written recognition that testifies to the high positioning in the widespread market.

Creditworthiness is evaluated by a team of economic experts on the basis of official data on creditworthiness assessment, cash flow analysis, as well as analysis of the state and movement of income and the structure of assets and capital and other financial and economic elements. This information is available to our credit rating agency on the basis of an exclusive cooperation that we have been successfully establishing with the Business Registers Agency for years.

By having a certificate, the company increases its credibility in the market and receives a certificate of many years of systematic and quality work, thus ensuring an advantage in selection over the competition. At the same time, by possessing this certificate, you confirm to clients and partners the security of business from the financial and economic aspect.

Certificate of Creditworthiness
A CompanyWall Certificate of Creditworthiness is an official recognition of a company’s consistent and secure performance. CompanyWall business sertifikati bonitetne izvrsnosti

CompanyWall business mission

We build and maintain long-term cooperation with our clients through the offer of unique services, tailored to individual requirements. With top quality services, availability and reliability, we instill security and trust. We approach all our customers, associates and market partners with care and respect.

We strive to meet their specific needs because that's how we all progress. We accept personal responsibility and always strive to be different, better and to encourage progress. We are loyal, honest and direct to our clients and partners.

CompanyWall’s mission is to use modern methods to help clients increase their intellectual capital, results, profitability, liquidity and business productivity.

CompanyWall Business Vision

Our goal is not just to introduce new business practices and trends, but also to anticipate them and to create them.

CompanyWall is doing business in step with the times to come and offers an insight into data on your clients, associates and business partners by providing you with the final credit rating calculation at a competitive price, with an unlimited time frame for using it.

CompanyWall Business platform vision is to actively participate in the process of improving the market in the UK and to set higher standards in the field of business, trade and investments.

CompayWall services

Our task is to help you make the right choice when choosing with accurate and verified information about the reliability of future cooperation. Information on credit rating, litigation, business environment, and stability is now available to you in a simple, clear, and reliable way, by reviewing the processed financial data of all those operating in the UK market.

Unlike the offer of competitors, our service is not extended automatically and technical support is completely free. Access to the system is provided for three users at the same time and the list for regular monitoring of companies of your choice is automatically updated every week.

At no additional charge, a list of all current sales through public bidding, active bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation, open court proceedings, and other important information concerning your interest group that you can form yourself.

At any time, by simply logging in, you can also find out who is interested in your business activities by reviewing the available information about your company.All information is presented in a simple and clear way and is invaluable for quick business decisions with minimal risk .

See products
Access to the CompanyWall portal allows you to enrich your business data by tracking the activities of all businesses with which you do business or with which you potentially want to establish contact and cooperation.
Bonitetna ocena CompanyWall

Credit rating

A set of standardized data that covers the complete business of a business entity

Financial assistant of the credit rating company CompanyWall

Financial assistant

Complete insight into the company’s financial data in order to distinguish reliable partners from unreliable ones

Bonitetni izveštaj CompanyWall

Creditworthiness rating report

Simple and precise insight into the most important data regarding company's business

Certificate of creditworthiness excellence - CompanyWall Business

Certificate of credit excellence

Certificate of the credit rating agency CompanyWall on the success of the company and its safe operation